Op-Ed 2617days
In hobbling its main female character with impractical footwear, the blockbuster misses an opportunity for character-building, and reveals its sloppiness in the process.
Op-Ed 2709days
By scheduling another all-male counterpart for the previously announced all-female Ghostbusters, Sony has injected major problems into what looked like a potentially revolutionary action.
Op-Ed 2720days
Even in an era in which much is available online, and copyrighted characters turn up everywhere from fan films to The Lego Movie, Joseph Kahn’s big-budget fan film illustrates it’s possible to go too far.
Op-Ed 2728days
In fact, sometimes the two are barely related.
Op-Ed 2765days
The Oscars are not the zero-sum game we play.
Op-Ed 2792days
A bold move has made the North Korean dictator the most powerful man in the movie business.
Op-Ed 2795days
A small cry for compassion and understanding in the midst of an increasingly ugly affair.
Op-Ed 3136days
If we ran Netflix, here’s what we would do (after swimming in an enormous Scrooge McDuck-style bin of money).