Assassin’s Creed is a needlessly convoluted videogame franchise involving massive, century-spanning conspiracies, multiple timelines, and high-tech devices that allow people to relive their ancestors’ memories. But the main characters look cool and the gameplay, stealthily climbing rooftops in Renaissance Italy or Revolutionary War-era America and then dive-bombing on enemies, is mostly fun. And since videogames have a stellar track record of producing high-quality movies, there’s going to be an Assassin’s Creed film adaptation in the future.
That’s not particularly intriguing, until you factor in actor Michael Fassbender, who’s slated to star in the lead role. Things get even more interesting with the news, via Deadline, that Fassbender may be directed in the Assassin’s Creed film by Justin Kurzel. He previously made the thriller The Snowtown Murders (currently streaming on Netflix if you missed it), and he just completed a still-unreleased film version of Macbeth that stars Fassbender.
This is good news for Assassin’s Creed fans, but it’s better news for Fassbender fans. Not only because he’s got another potential franchise to headline, but also because he was apparently impressed enough by Kurzel’s work on Macbeth to want to collaborate with him again. That bodes well for their Shakespeare adaptation (a genre that’s produced almost as many high-quality movies as videogame adaptations); it should be making its way to theaters relatively soon.